RTB Book – Recording the Beatles

Recording The Beatles

It’s here! It’s here! It’s here! For $100 this book is a giveaway, depending on your level of interest. And anybody wanting it would have that interest. Don’t know if I’ll be blogging much for the next day or so!

2 thoughts on “RTB Book – Recording the Beatles”

  1. Dennis hasn’t ordered it yet, or if he has he did only yesterday or today. It is ALL tech talk. VERY dry stuff, if you’re not into it — really into it. MASSIVE amounts of detail requiring some underlying understanding of recording and playback equipment. But if ever in my life the word “definitive” characterizes something, this is it.

  2. Holy cow! That price tag is too steep for me. I image the Denmeister has it, too. Since it probably contains a lot tech-talk, it might be a bit dry for my tastes, anyway. Still, t here is probably enough fascinating, arcane trivia in there to keep me up all night! I’m sure you’ll share plenty of it with us!

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