Eric’s Anime Pick — Mushi-Shi

Eric says that Mushi-Shi is a relatively obscure title. Indeed, it took a week for a copy to arrive in Massachusetts from a Netflix distribution center in California.

Like Kino’s Journey, Mushi-Shi is about a wanderer, with a series of mostly self-contained stories. But unlike Kino, the character Ginko isn’t exploring for its own sake, but rather he’s a healer-for-hire who exorcises parasitic creatures called Mushi.

Caution: This video depicts what is known to comic book fans as an “injury to eye motif,” and it’s yucky and gunky!
[flv: 448 252]

2 thoughts on “Eric’s Anime Pick — Mushi-Shi”

  1. That’s the thing about stuff like this. You can’t buy into just some of it and question the rest.

    Hey, the blog is only five minutes away from its one year anniversary!

  2. Molly was mostly grossed out by the artificial eye. I pointed out that you can’t just pop an eye in and out like that; they have to be custom-fit. In the old days, a prosthetic eye WAS the shape of an entire eyeball, but still had to be made to order. It was attached to muscles of the eye orbit under local or general anesthesia (not usually very well, think of Sammy Davis, Jr.). Later came the two-step implant, were the bad eye was totally removed (enucleated!). Once the eye socket healed, a “pop-in” fixture was fit to the patient, then attached to the muscles of the eye orbit. A cosmetic “eye” is then made to order to match the patient’s good eye. It snaps right into the fittings like a Lego, and is very hard to tell from the real deal, if done correctly. But, hey! as Molly said, “It’s ANIME! Why quibble?”

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