Popping The Other Eye

I liked making the Popeye video comparing the Ali Baba cartoon on old VHS to the new DVD, so I’ll do it again. This one is Sindbad [sic] The Sailor. Assuming there’s a second DVD collection, it will have the third color cartoon, with Popeye as Aladdin.
[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/SEP07/PopeyeSinbad.flv 400 300]

2 thoughts on “Popping The Other Eye”

  1. Yeah, we’re so accustomed to perceiving the Fleischer cartoons as being urban and gritty and beat up, that it’s a bit of a shock seeing them so clean and clear.

  2. Yow! It’s almost TOO clean! Wow, what a difference. Like cleaning a masterpiece painting and finding long unseen details underneath. But, in a strange way, the darker version has its own charm – very urban and grimy.

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