A Raybert Production

Raybert Productions was Bob Rafelson and Bert Schneider, who gave us the Monkees TV show and, later, the movie Easy Rider. Nearly a year ago I posted a clip from the Monkees’ movie Head, featuring Toni Basil. Toni was also in Easy Rider.

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2008/JUL/EasyRider.flv 440 330]

Easy Rider helped make a star of Jack Nicholson, who is credited with co-writing Head, and in which he made this cameo appearance.

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2008/JUL/MonkeesHead.flv 440 330]

The Monkees were smack-dab center stage for my age group. I’d post more about them, but I’m leaving the field open for D.F. Rogers, should he ever decide to do a Monkees Web site or blog.

2 thoughts on “A Raybert Production”

  1. I’m looking at my personally signed photo of Peter Tork’s group as I type this (“To Jean, Love Peter!”) I only saw “Head” once, and that was at one of those art cinemas in Cambridge, MA. It was awesome!

    Now I’m curious. I always thought Toni Basil was just a choreographer. I’ll check out her imdb.com creds. Interesting. Dougie, I have reams to say about the Monkees, too.

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