The Den and Doug Show

Here’s an all too typical exchange between D.F. Rogers and myself.

***On Wed 5:47p Dec 10, 2008 Doug Pratt wrote***
Who’s this in the attached picture? You know who it is. You do. But you’re so stunned, so shocked, you don’t want to admit it to yourself, let alone tell me you know who it is.

A well known celebrity

***On Wed 5:52p Dec 10, 2008 Dennis Rogers wrote***
Ozzy Osborne after a face-lift? A female Ozzy Osborne impersonator?

***On Wed 5:53p Dec 10, 2008 Doug Pratt wrote***
Not even close, flyboy! Into the garbage chute with you.

Bigger, Better BlogRat

Lots has been changed. Not just with the blog theme, but with how I capture and edit video. With any luck there won’t be any problems serious enough to force me to go back to the way the blog looked. Let me know what you think. You may, of course, prefer the more claustrophobic format.

One topic I’ve wanted to tackle for a long time is Ayn Rand. Her influence extends from Spider-Man artist and co-creator Steve Ditko to former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan. Here are ten minutes from The Fountainhead, directed by King Vidor.

[flv: 480 360]