The View From Iraq

Humvee View

As my father has pointed out many times, UK coverage of Iraq is quite different than it is here in the US.  There is notably less attention paid to Elephant vs. Donkey racing, and many more non-American opinions.


Here are 8 minutes of the BBC call-in show “Have Your Say.”  Brigett Kendall moderates between Georgetown U. professor Robert Lieber, and a caller in Iraq.  This provides clear contrast between an academic expert and an actual resident; who, I should note, doesn’t want American troops withdrawn.

2 thoughts on “The View From Iraq”

  1. I edited that audio. The caller was actually the second caller. The first caller was introduced, but didn’t make an appearance, and there was some awkwardness and gaps. I had to slice the sound samples down tightly to make it sound so seemless, but you can’t tell, can you?

  2. I agree! This is much more “fair and balanced,” as Fox would LIKE you to believe that THEY are! It’s interesting that the consensus over there is that the American troops should STAY, but to clean up, not just stand around sitting on their hands, and keeping people from getting to and from work and school. These are things you DON’T hear about in the American media! Of course, those Brit reporters sound so intelligent and sexy! Brigett sounds just like Princess Di!

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