
Like my new shoe?? Walking — or, I should say hobbling — across Boston Common from the underground parking garage to the Orpheum Theatre to see Brian Wilson (see previous post) wasn’t easy. Six weeks I have to wear this thing, every waking hour.

The previous doctor had it wrong. All wrong. No Boston Marathon for me, this year, but I’ve been promised that I will run again, without having surgery. I’ll explain it all later. Have to ice my ankle before going to bed.

4 thoughts on “Footbill”

  1. I should have flopped that photo I lifted from an online catalog. (What. You really thought I shaved my legs??) It’s my right leg that’s injured.

  2. My Darth Vader boot! Yes, this guy knows what he’s doing. Wait till I post the report he had faxed over from the orthopedic guy I saw back in September.

  3. Sorry to hear, Doug. But at least it sounds like you’ve got someone who knows what’s going on now.

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