Insulin Insult


This is the pile of leftover Halloween candy that I took to work today. I put it in the kitchen area of my floor, and it sure didn’t last long! Went quicker than any previous year, even the last-to-go Starbursts.

5 thoughts on “Insulin Insult”

  1. Oh, Molly is now one inch from being five feet tall! I KNOW I wasn’t that tall at almost eleven years old! She’s gonna be tall.

  2. Gee, I figured that in the Boston area, most folks would still be fairly thin. A trip to our area Wal-Mart is scary. To quote Bill Shatner from his hip CD, “Has Been:” “I … CAN’T … GET … BEHIND … A … FAT … ASS!!!” The number of people who literally look like Jabba the Hut mudslides (as Tom puts it) is frightening. Most of their kids are thin, but an increasing number are getting plump. Molly goes through plump, then shooting up, and thinning out phases. Unfortunately, morbid obesity runs in Tom’s family (his dead sister and many other family members), but he’s a skeleton. They say now that it’s your WAIST measurement that matters. For women, if it’s under 40 inches (that seems overly generous!), you’re OK; for men, an UNDER-generous 35. Tom is 34; I’m 27.

  3. We have a lot of huge 20-something employees around the office. Eating — overeating — has become a serious health problem, there’s no doubt about it.

  4. Typical. They’ve had a running joke about post-Halloween candy in “Cathy” for the past week or so, and it’s so true! The boss puts down his foot and says “NO LEFTOVER CANDY,” then finally starts jonesing and starts looking for hidden stashes.

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