Special Guest Blogger

This installment of DogRat is brought to you by honorable son Eric.

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A new trailer for the highly anticipated video game Dairantou Smash Brothers X (known outside of Japan as Super Smash Brothers Brawl) was released this week at the Tokyo Game Show 2006. Like the other games in the series, DSBX is a crossover fighting game starring Nintendo characters, although this installment will include a guest character from the Metal Gear series by Konami, Snake.

The new trailer reveals several new arenas and one new character, Fox. The game is set to be released in early 2007 for the Nintendo Wii.


One thought on “Special Guest Blogger”

  1. Cousin Molly says this is on the Christmas Wish List of every boy in her class, plus some of the girls. Tom and I have decided NOT to get her a DL-lite or Game Boy, as much as she wants one, because her grades have dipped a bit (some Cs on tests, but still mostly A’s and one B on midterm grades). She’s allowed 1/2 hour on Nick games on weeknights, and an hour on weekends. We’ve REALLY been cracking down on spending on her, and hours allowed on TV. A lot of screaming at first, but it’s gotten a lot better lately!

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