Seinfeld Irony

I’ve never seen even a single episode of Seinfeld. And — HA! — I have no plans to ever change that. Why? Not because I have anything against Seinfeld or the show. Exactly the opposite. If I started watching it I would undoubtedly keep watching it. It’s like smoking. If you don’t start, you don’t have to quit.

As proof that I have nothing against Jerry Seinfeld, here’s a trailer that I love, for a movie I’ve never seen. This thing has been blogged a buh-zillion times, but I’m going to do it again.

4 thoughts on “Seinfeld Irony”

  1. I’m pretty sure I left a day before everybody else. At that point Mom hadn’t rallied yet and I was told she wasn’t going to make it. But Carol and I had already purchased the house in Hopkinton and we were frantically getting the old house prepped for sale, so I had to leave.

    But even if I was in the hospital room when Seinfeld was playing, that isn’t the same as watching it! It left no impression on me, that’s for sure.

  2. Hey, yeah, Doug WOULD HAVE been in Mom’s hospital room during the last Seinfeld episode! At least for part of it. Actually, I remember seeing a montage of “best clips” prior to the showing of the last ep. So Doug has to have seen something, at some point. Unless he’d left AZ already, at that point.

  3. It’s cool to see the FACE behind the VOICE, at LAST! Now, what is his NAME? Molly and I went to see the weird new “Charlotte’s Web” and one of the previews was for Seinfeld’s new movie, out NEXT November 2007, called “The Bee Movie.” It was really, really bad. REALLY bad. His career is dead in the water. Michael Richards anti-Jew rant didn’t help, either.

    Say, weren’t you in Mom’s hospital room in 1998, when we knew she was out of danger and we all watched the last episode of “Seinfeld” together?

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