Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451

Blog StatsToday marks six months since I started blogging. This is post number 451, which is an intentional reference to Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451. Books can’t be burned when they’re virtual, and the writing is done online. The 450 posts done over the past six months average out to 75 per month, or 2.5 per day.

2 thoughts on “Fahrenheit 451”

  1. But files can be infected with viruses, as you know only too well when this very site went off-line for several days! Before you know it, we’ll just be snortin’ those powder chips to get our daily fix of “DogRat!”

  2. One might question why the picture I chose from the movie doesn’t show books being burned. I like the composition of this frame. It looks like a comic book panel, waiting for the word balloons to be added.

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