Back In A Flash

This announcement from Adobe about Flash has implications for this blog. Very good ones! Video quality will go way up, and I should be able to save videos directly to a Flash-ready format, instead of having to go through a two-step process of saving as an AVI and converting to FLV. You can count on me jumping on this right away!

4 thoughts on “Back In A Flash”

  1. The #1 way to avoid trouble is to have more than one account in Windows XP. Only use an account with administrator privileges when installing something. When browsing and doing e-mail sign onto a limited account. This is very protective, it costs nothing, and has zero effect on computer speed.

  2. I ran my new McAfee, and the whole she-bang is clean, so I suspect it’s the anti-Spyware. I gotta turn off the McAfee, but the stupid thing won’t left me register. It doesn’t recognize my password OR let me change it!

  3. If playback is sputtering your connection isn’t sustaining 1 megabit per second, or you have spyware or, ironically, anti-spyware, slowing down your computer. It could be the server my site is on, but I only occasionally see that as an issue at this end.

  4. Again I say, excellent! Maybe now the videos won’t stop and start like they have been doing.

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