MegaMazing in Lost Vegas, MA

We found our way to where we wanted to go for a Sunday trip, but then we got lost. The Davis Mega Maze, in rural Sterling, Massachusetts is a great way to do a lot of walking, get dehydrated, and frustrated for $15 per person. You could do that for free, of course, but then you wouldn’t have the fun of walking along paths surrounded by corn that’s higher than an elephant’s eye.

David Mega Maze Gold Poker Chip

The teens, Eric and his cousin Kate, made it through the maze before we did, so the grown-ups resorted to asking for hints from a couple of the guides. This year’s theme is “Lost Vegas,” so when you get to the end you’re given a gold poker chip. To do the maze properly and really master it, you should go early and take advantage of the all-day admission to go through more than once.

One thought on “MegaMazing in Lost Vegas, MA”

  1. I’ve been there, years ago. Mazes are hard, and scary! Did you get flashes of Jack Nicholson sitting frozen in the snow? hee, hee, hee.

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