Sgt. Pepper 15 Years Ago

Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band is 40 years old. Fifteen years ago it was only 25 years old! Amazing.

From 1992, here is part 1 of a 45-minute TV special on the making of the album. It’s taken from VHS, and looks it.

[flv: 400 300]

Note: I’m trying something new, by using the Dog Rat icon to label videos that I have transferred, edited, and converted myself. In this instance it runs for 60 seconds.

And here is part 2.

[flv: 400 300]

2 thoughts on “Sgt. Pepper 15 Years Ago”

  1. Click here for the George Martin parody I posted back in March. The fact is that George Harrison had next to no presence in the studio while Paul and John were working on Pepper, and Ringo didn’t have a lot to do much of the time. George harbored some resentment against Mac-Len for being so tight with their song writing, leaving him to try to compete with them on his own.

  2. Doug, make a link to that funny parody of Sir George Martin getting abducted, then thrown back by the insurgents! You can see from the above documentary how annoying and tedious he CAN be at times! Also, the boyz all walk on egg shells trying NOT to say anything bad about each other, but it’s obvious there was still some bad blood, even 25 years later, and John had been dead for 12 years!

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