5 thoughts on “Netf–x”

  1. Cactus Lizzie’s comment has me recalling the most memorable moment when I was a kid of sneaking a peek at a movie my parents were watching after bedtime. I’ll blog the scene, since I of course have the movie on good, ol’ 12-inch LaserDisc.

  2. Well, Doug, it seems to be working okay now, at 4:15 p.m. my time, and 7:15 Eastern Daylight Time. I just tried it. It was a bit unusual in that Netflix asked me to create a password, and then type it in again to confirm it. Like as if I were just setting up the account that way. In any event, I typed in my username and usual password, retyped the password as requested, and there were no problems with anything after that. The speed was fine. The computer recognized my husband’s and my separate queues, and our stuff at the top of our queues was still on there. I didn’t scroll down through everything, including the “saved” section, as we have literally hundreds of DVDs lined up!

    I hope we both live long enough to get to watch all of ’em!!! (My husband brings freebies home from the library too, as if Netflix weren’t enough!) We eat meals while watching (on and off) sections of movies, chipping away at each one – which shouldn’t surprise you! I think we’ve rated about a thousand movies so far. Going back, of course, to the many years of pre-Netflix days.

    When I stop and think about that…We’ve probably ALL seen hundreds or well over a thousand films in our lifetimes, if we’re old enough. Okay, I’m a baby boomer!!! Seen a lot of movies! It makes me wonder how much the major Hollywood studios (the predominant factor, probably, as compared to foreign or independent film maker productions, – which I also GREATLY enjoy) has influenced the way we act, think, and feel.

    There’s the issue of how we define beauty, of course, but also how we relate to others. If people stayed in their “adult” — (remember the three psychological circles of parent, adult and child in each of our personalities? “Transactional Analysis.”), — to talk over disagreements, it would make for such a B-O-R-I-N-G movie. “Uproar” is so much more fun to watch, right? But then, I wonder, do we fall back on these Hollywood models for handling our own domestic disputes, or try to settle man-to-man differences the “macho” way of John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, etc. from the roles they played in their most famous films?

    Anybody have an thoughts in response to that??? I’d be interested in what you all think. And then, too, there’s the issue of how films and TV influence – or don’t influence – kids’ actions, thoughts, and emotions. Do you think it has a major or only minor impact on kids? Can they separate reality well enough from the film scripts?

  3. This is the message I am now seeing on the Netflix home page:

    The Netflix web site is temporarily unavailable.

    Thanks for logging on. We’re sorry that our Web site is temporarily unavailable. We’re working on it as fast as we can so thanks for your patience. Don’t worry about your DVDs — our distribution centers nationwide are humming as usual right now so you should receive your next shipment without delay.

    — Your friends at Netflix

  4. Every great computer-generated operation gets sick sooner or later.I smell a MAJOR SYSTEM CRASH! Remember a couple of Christmases ago when Amazon.com got the shipping all screwed up? What a fiasco? Marianne got stuff meant for some guy in Texas, etc. Eventually, it was all straightened out, but it took at least a month, but they did a good job at restoring their relatively good name.

  5. Dunno, Doug. The first time I tried it, just past 6:30 my time, 3 hours behind your time zone…I logged on okay. Once there, I clicked on my queue, and got the same screen you show above, after a long wait. The site is very slow. Then I left the site, and came back to it a couple of minutes later. This time, I got the screen you show above right from the get-go. I couldn’t even log on this time. Who knows! Gremlins….

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