Watching Plasma

Look what arrived today from my dad for my birthday, which is coming up soon. A very cool plasma globe! Eric says he’s always wanted to have one of these, so we’re going to share it. It responds to touch and, when the audio switch is set, sound. Thanks, Dad!

Plasma Globe

5 thoughts on “Watching Plasma”

  1. Eric and I took that picture with my old Canon 1.3 megapixel camera set to not flash. The camera has to be absolutely still in that mode to avoid terrible blurring. Eric positioned it on the dining area table and I clicked the shutter.

  2. Molly got a cheap-o plastic disco ball several years back. Cost a whopping $12.00, as I recall. I showed her THIS, and now, of course, she wants one, too.

  3. Hey, this is great! My father’s first blog comment. Thanks! Dad turns 80 on January 1.

    Yes, it is indeed a DISCO FEVER BALL, according to the box. I’ve been staring at the ball, waiting for disco fever to hit, but so far no luck.

  4. Doug,

    You’re quite welcome. Jean said you were very hard to buy for, so I really had to work on this one. As you know, I ordered this from, who built it up as a great science exhibit type thing, but you say the box it came in is labeled DISCO FEVER BALL, But as long as it works….a plasma ball by any other name is still a Tesla Globe.


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