More Remembering Deborah Kerr

Here’s some more of From Here To Eternity — the first scene where Deborah Kerr and Burt Lancaster’s characters meet, and their rendezvous before the beach scene.

[flv:/Video/OCT07/FromHereToEternity2.flv 400 300]

This clip includes the famous scene with George (Superman) Reeves, that was highlighted in the movie Hollywoodland. At 6 feet, 1 inch, Burt Lancaster wasn’t a small man, so as you can see, Reeves was well built himself.

George Reeves and Burt Lancaster

3 thoughts on “More Remembering Deborah Kerr”

  1. Hey, you two guys!! I wouldn’t care if BURT (be still my heart) Lancaster were dressed up like BOZO the CLOWN!!! ; ) IT’S STILL BURT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    He had a kind of intensity about him when he acted that always reminded me of a leopard, with that dynamic tension in the muscles, frozen in its pose right before the pounce. Enough to make a woman swoon!

    Incidentally, Burt did a foreign filmed flick called “The Leopard.” One of the handful of his films I truly disliked. But even as an old guy, Burt still “had it.” Who can forget his performance in “Atlantic City” with Susan Sarandon? Would that all men were that sexy at such an advanced age!

  2. D’oh! Hey, yeah … maybe Burt Lancaster was a cross-dresser!

    Making these video clips provides ample opportunity to notice little technical details. For example, in the scene where Lancaster and Kerr first kiss, the paperwork on the table goes from being curled up to suddenly being perfectly flat before Kerr tears it up.

    There’s a lot of audio overdubbing in the beach scene, which is understandable, given the sound of the surf, etc. Kerr’s monologue about losing the baby was obviously filmed separately on a sound stage, I assume because it wouldn’t have worked for her to lip-sync herself for such an extended scene.

    In the clip on this post, watch starting at about 2:05, and it’s obvious that Lancaster and Kerr’s voices were recorded on a stage and looped in later. In fact, you can see, but not hear, Kerr saying “no, I guess you aren’t” before the scene cuts to a close-up.

  3. Hey, Burt Lancaster has a bathing suit under his dress, too! Now that I’d like to see! Please show that scene!

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