Remembering Deborah Kerr

Deborah Kerr is gone. Kerr, one of the great beauties of all time in my opinion, was perhaps the most subtle and refined actress ever to gain wide acceptance in America.

Today, Kerr seems to be remembered more for From Here to Eternity than for The King And I; which is, I think, as it should be. Here are nine minutes from Eternity that I’ve spliced together. In subject matter, dialog, and presentation, this is truly outstanding adult material, in the proper sense of the term. It just doesn’t get any better than this, folks.
[flv:/Video/OCT07/FromHereToEternity.flv 400 300]

6 thoughts on “Remembering Deborah Kerr”

  1. I agree with Jeanie Beanie. To quote your phrase, Doug, with a slight addition…IIt just doesn’t get any better than… Burt Lancaster!

    Jeanie Beanie: Since you like Lancaster here, have you ever seen his film “The Unforgiven” with Audrey Hepburn as the leading lady opposite Burt? (Not to be confused with the more recent Western, “Unforgiven.”)

  2. Sorry, but it takes a lot of time and effort to make these videos, so I can’t just whip them out. And I have a job, and a family, and a house, and I go out running, etc.!

  3. This was quite a milestone movie, winning the Chairman of the Board an Oscar, and reviving his career at the same time! ALSO, sweet Mary Bailey played a HOOKER, and won an Oscar, too! Say, can you dig up any of THOSE scenes? Man, never mind Deborah, Burt Lancaster was (and still is by today’s standards) first-class eye candy for the ladies!

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