Chopin’s Étude No. 3 in E, Op. 10

Once again I am grateful to Monte Schulz for his input. In my previous post he correctly identifies the music to Jo Stafford’s song ‘No Other Love’ as being by Frédéric Chopin. It is Chopin’s Étude No. 3 in E Major, Op. 10. Here is a recording of the complete piece.

[audio:|titles=Chopin’s Étude No. 3 in E Major, Op. 10]

Coffee Lane and Moon River

Charles M. Schulz Charles M. Schulz

The American Masters documentary Good Ol’ Charles Schulz was a surprise to me in a number of ways. I had expected the early years to be of greatest interest, but I feel the core of the program is actually the 10-minute segment about Coffee Lane. Monte Schulz characterizes his family’s time there as “those dear, dead days.”

Thirty seconds of Coffee Lane are on the video player. I took the picture in the preview frame from later in the segment. That’s a great shot, isn’t it?

[flv: 400 300]

Thanks again to Monte for contributing a comment to this blog. The audio player has the music that reminds him so much of Coffee Lane in Sebastopol, CA — Henry Mancini’s ‘Moon River’. For myself, the equivalent would be Peter, Paul & Mary records on Adams Lane in Norwalk, CT.

[audio:|titles=Moon River by Henry Mancini]

Back in St. Paul, one of Charles Schulz’s favorite recording artists was Jo Stafford. I have found no reference to her in the Michaelis book, and I think that’s a serious omission. Below is a song sung by Jo, called ‘No Other Love’.

[audio:|titles=No Other Love by Jo Stafford]

This record was popular on the radio in September, 1950 — after Sparky had lost Donna, and before he married Joyce. Keep that in mind, play it again, and listen carefully to the lyrics.

Monte Schulz Comments

I’ve been working my way slowly through Schulz and Peanuts by David Michaelis, alternating with reading strips from The Complete Peanuts, to keep things in perspective. For nearly a week I’ve been drafting a post with more commentary on the biography from the family of Charles M. Schulz. It’s been my intent to speak out more firmly in favor of the position that has been expressed by Monte Schulz and his sister Amy. Monte has forced my hand by commenting on a previous post of mine.

Actually, I just want to thank the hosts here for posting my comments on this site to sort of set some of the record straight on what we thought of the biography on my dad. The internet has been much more beneficial to us than the mainstream media which filtered our objections or ignored them entirely. By the way, I didn’t hate the documentary. I just wanted David Van Taylor to tell a more complete story and to give some clarification to a story my brother tells regarding “us” riding our dirt bikes on the roads and not being bothered by the cops — none of us except him either owned or rode dirt bikes, and David only used that clip to “show” how pampered we were back then, and privileged, neither of which was true. I agree, too, that his and Michaelis’s use of “Citizen Kane” was odd, trying to tell my dad’s story analogically to Welles’ movie, given that Dad’s own life story is so unusual: the child given a comic strip character’s name almost at birth, then growing up to be the most famous cartoonists of the 20th century, and dying on the night before his last strip runs in the newspapers. Why not just say that? It’s odd.

    Thank you, Monte, for writing, especially for your comment about the PBS program. I immediately thought of my own brother, who rode dirt bikes around town with his friends.

The deeper I’ve gotten into the book Schulz and Peanuts, while discussing it with my friend Dennis Rogers, whose opinion I value highly, the more I understand and appreciate what Monte and Amy are talking about. First, regarding ‘Citizen Kane’, I agree completely with Monte. Why try to enhance one fascinating story by force-fitting it into another? There’s just no need for it.

Further, given the obvious wealth of material that was provided to the author, and the vast amount of detail that is in the book as a result, why did Michaelis feel the need to inject so many his own interpretations? I’m reminded of Donald Spoto’s biography of Alfred Hitchcock, The Dark Side of Genius. Hitch always wiped up bathroom sinks after using them, and somehow Spoto turned that into his central thesis about Hitchcock’s dark obsessions. I thought it was a ludicrous premise, and I feel that Michaelis has taken a somewhat similar approach in his writing. “Just the facts” would have served his subject well.

Schulz himself was the first to broach the subject of his moods and panic attacks, in his biography by Rheta Grimsley Johnson. Given that, there’s no point in pulling out his bouts of melancholy like a club, to bludgeon home a point. Sparky wasn’t an unknown figure working in obscurity, and his story is one that can tell itself, given a full presentation of the facts and events.

Finally, Rheta Grimsley’s ex-husband, cartoonist Jimmy Johnson, has a very funny anecdote about Sparky, over at his Arlo and Janis site. He doesn’t use Permalinks, so you may have to scroll down to find it.

‘Bodies’ In Framingham, MA

A while ago I said that the traveling exhibition called ‘Bodies’ was coming to Framingham, Massachusetts. Well, it’s here, and having seen Bodyworld 2 last year, I recommend staying away. A local pharmacist named Aaron Ginsburg is speaking out against the exhibit, and while I may not feel as strongly as he does, I think he’s on track with his comments, which you can read by clicking here.

The medical advisor of the show claims, in this article from the Metrowest Daily News, that…

…all bodies in the exhibit died of natural causes and were unclaimed. Under Chinese law they were acquired by Dalian Medical University for research and loaned to Premier Exhibitions for the show. After the exhibit, they will be either donated to U.S. medical institutions or returned to China to be cremated and interred.

Do I believe this? Nah. But even if it’s true, some of the displays of human bodies I saw last year at Bodyworld 2, including a literal chest of drawers, aren’t about education, so much as they are about desecration.

Did Jack Kevorkian have a point about dying with dignity? Sure he did. But, c’mon, didn’t it seem there was something “off” about the way he went about it? Same thing, in my view, with Gunther von Hagens saying these body exhibits are solely educational, and Mel Gibson’s claim that he was interested only in portraying the suffering of Jesus in ‘The Passion of The Christ.’ In my opinion, these guys are acting out something very deep and dark.

The Line-Up

This week’s issue of Newsweek speculates on New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, no longer a Republican, as a wild card candidate for President. This raises an amazing prospect of the top candidates being a Catholic and a Mormon, a woman and a black man, and a Jew. It’s going to be a perfect storm of an election!

This quote from the article reminded me of something.

Landing at the Wall Street heliport earlier this year, after the mayor announced he was leaving the Republican Party to become an independent, President Bush gestured to Marine One and told Bloomberg: “That bird could be yours.”

It reminded me that my brother is one of the people who maintains Marine One. He and I do not share the same opinion of Dubya.

Sputtering After Sputnik

Sputnik - 1957

Science News is a consistently excellent weekly magazine for keeping up with what’s really happening in the various scientific disciplines. I enjoyed reading an article about the launching of Sputnik 50 years ago. Something I didn’t know is that the launch was no surprise to American scientists, who were looking forward to it. America’s first attempt at a satellite launch was spectacular, but not successful:

On Dec. 6, the press was invited to Cape Canaveral, Fla., to witness the U.S. response to Sputnik. Newsreel cameras rolled as a modified Navy Vanguard rocket carrying a small satellite lifted off the launch pad. It rose just 4 feet before erupting in a fireball, sending the grapefruit-size satellite in its nose cone hurtling across the sands. The next day’s headlines provided the postmortem: “Flopnik,” “Dudnik,” “Kaputnik.”

You can read the article by clicking here.