Accidental Terrorist

Everett MA Fire

Around here the big story — besides the undefeated Patriots — is a huge fire that happened a few days ago in the city of Everett, just north of Boston. Rather than explaining it to you, I recommend The Boston Globe’s excellent interactive map of the event. Click here to go there.

Everett MA Fire

He couldn’t have planned it out any better if he tried! Thank God nobody was killed or even seriously injured.

In a bizarre plot twist, ten years ago the driver of the tanker, Chad LaFrance, made a bomb threat against UPS after being fired by the company. He has had other trouble spots and setbacks, including hitting a police officer, divorce, bankruptcy, and the loss of his house. This has led to speculation that the crash — which has displaced a dozen families — may not have been entirely accidental.

3 thoughts on “Accidental Terrorist”

  1. We have had little or no coverage of this on CNN, Fox, or MSNBC! Certainly none on the local level. They are too busy jawing about the 2008 elections. With this guy’s past record, it sounds too much like a NON-coincidence.

  2. Repaved already? Wow. I guess all they can do is spend the money and take care of everything right away, then let the insurance companies and lawyers deal with recovering the expenses. What a legal and financial mess this is going to be! Following the “deep pockets” theory of lawsuits, this could go all the way back to a major oil company. All it takes is one idiot to screw things up in a major way.

  3. This happened about a mile from where I live. I drove through the area today and you would never know what took place just a few days ago, The 2 houses have been torn down and carted away along with all of the damaged or destroyed cars. The road has been repaved. The only thing left is the damaged guardrail where the truck flipped.

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