4 thoughts on “Keep Thinking, “January 20 2009””

  1. Indeed, it seems that the selected President is not directly related to Vannevar Bush! Whew. My friend Tom has provided this link, which states, “There is no known connection at this time between Pres. George Bush and Vannevar Bush.” Yay!

  2. As walking and chewing gum seems to take Bush to the limits of his intellectual prowess, I should think it’s highly unlikely that they are related Doug.

    Like the idea of the pre-emptive removal of the dreadful two though.

  3. It’s more than just the usual aging at an accelerated rate, which happens to all Presidents. It’s that Bush seems to be, to my satisfaction, defeated. A reporter even asked him about it this week. Dubya defiantly insisted that he doesn’t have a credibility problem and he’s fine, but obviously he does have a problem and he isn’t fine.

    My concern is he may try to do something insanely idiotic in an attempt to increase his stature, such as bomb and/or invade Iran. Bush and Cheney would have to be removed from office immediately if such madness were taken. Hey, I’ve got an idea. Maybe Bush and Cheney should be removed pre-emptively! They sure seem likely to pose an imminent threat and danger!

    Regardless of who wins next November, I have to agree with you that it will be a very long time — if ever — that a Bush is again President. Something I’ve been casually trying to confirm is whether or not the Bush family line is related to that of Vannevar Bush, who was president of MIT and an advisor to FDR. He wrote a hugely important article for The Atlantic Monthy in 1945, called “As We May Think.” To say the least it was ahead of its time, and it pointed the way to the sort of thinking that led to development of the Internet. I shudder to think that Dubya is closely related to a brilliant, forward-thinking man such as Vannevar!

  4. I was just looking at the photo of George W. and thinking… I know I say this about most U.S. Presidents, but, – don’t you think the job has really aged Bush? He looks haggard and worn out these days. Recently I saw a video clip on TV of Bush from the early days of his Presidency, and I was startled by how much younger and more rested he looked.

    I think George W.’s dream of becoming President has turned into his nightmare. I suspect that very little has turned out like he had expected or hoped for. (There’s an Arabic saying, “Be careful of what you wish for!”)

    Not that I have a great deal of sympathy for George W. – being the stubborn hard-head that he is. I think he knows, deep down, that his legacy in American history will not be a very good one. He certainly hasn’t impressed me with his handling of either domestic nor international affairs during his Presidency. I’ll be glad to see Bush go, along with the “Yes” men and hard Right-wingers who surround him.

    George Herbert Walker Bush rode into the White House on the coat tails of the Reagan era, and I believe the American public hoped that George W. would return us to that (for SOME people!) “Golden Age.” Well, I think we can stop worrying about a Bush dynasty in the White House now. No Jeb Bush will follow now. And I hope most Americans will think long and hard in the future, before putting a grandson of the first Bush into the Oval Office.

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