No Heat!

With ten inches of snow already here, another six have fallen. It’s still coming down, and the furnace is off. I pushed the reset button and it ran for a minute and popped out again. Aaugh! This is the second blog post telling of the furnace being out. Here is the first.

We have a contract with a new oil company. It’s a very old company, but it’s not the outfit we used for nine years. One of several reasons why I left the other place was long delays in service, often eight hours or more. I’m told we’ll have a service tech here before noon, and it’s 10 am now. The roads are in terrible shape, but fortunately ours just got plowed.

I’ll let you know how it goes. Meanwhile, I’m glad I had electric heat put in the remodeled porch. Now I’ve got to get outside with the snow blower and clear the driveway for the service truck.

P.S. HEAT! Half an hour later, it’s working. He came, he fixed, he went. Impressive. Clogged fuel nozzle.

2 thoughts on “No Heat!”

  1. My GOD, that was a year ago? Tom has yet to use that kit. This morning we have a mix of snow/sleet/freezing rain and NO two-hour delay. Tonight’s forecast into tomorrow’s morning is worse, but it was like that LAST week and they still didn’t call off school. These flinty backwoods yokels don’t blink an eye unless it’s a major, major blizzard. Every single person on our uphill all the way dirt and shale road owns a four-wheel drive car. You HAVE to, or you don’t drive in winter!

  2. Our furnace croaked a month agos. The two yahoos who came out to fix it didn’t have the right nozzle for it. Tom bid on and won a furnace cleaning kit on e-Bay for under $200, which is actually cheap.He cleaned the nozzle himself. Works great now, which is vital, considering the current cost of heating fuel. We also have a wood-burning Kodiak fireplace insert for a pinch, and plenty of cord wood.

    Yeah, you guys got pounded. We got bit of freezing rain, some snow, and now have extreme winds. I came on-line to check if there’s a two-hour delay this morning.

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