Beatles: Nothing Israel

Yes, I know Ringo has been on the TV talk show circuit, and that he walked off the Regis set. I know Paul had a heart procedure. And I know there’s an invitation for Paul and Ringo to visit Israel. No, I haven’t been blogging about these things. Sorry! I’m a bad Beatles blogger.

What caught my attention about the Israel invitation is that Israel’s banning of the Beatles back in the 60’s sounds so much like something the Taliban would do today. And let’s not forget that fundamentalist Christians burned Beatles records after Lennon’s infamous comment “The Beatles are bigger than Jesus.”

One thought on “Beatles: Nothing Israel”

  1. Paulie claims he only had a slight “arrhythmia.” Say, what happened to the laid-back Ringo of old? The remaining Beatles are getting too crusty in their old age. Guess if I want to remember the good old days, I’ll have to pop in my double DVD of “A Hard Day’s Night.” 🙁

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