Buffoon O’Reilly’s All Spin Zone

Few media personalities are more deserving of derision and ridicule than Bill O’Reilly. OK, Rush Limbaugh maybe is one.

There’s a video that’s been widely circulated today, and I’m about to circulate it some more. It was pointed out to me by a friend at work. Remember — they report, you decide!
[flv:/Video/2008/JAN/OReillyObama.flv 400 300]

One thought on “Buffoon O’Reilly’s All Spin Zone”

  1. As my husband so aptly puts it, this guy needs to be hit over the head with a hot bag of ****. Megadittoes for Rush. I’m tempted to turn him on at noon today to see how he reacts to Hillary’s narrow win in New Hampshire, but he’ll probably just say her “crying” got to all the white middle-aged women like me, and changed their minds at the last second.

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