Bush’s Brain Stem Cell

I don’t often roam too far from blogging home, but this item came up on Google Desktop and I was so incensed by it I had to add a comment. It’s been seven years since Bush took office, yet somehow everything is still Clinton’s fault??

Be absolutely clear about one thing: I think George W. Bush is by far the worst President the United States has had in my lifetime. My father, a reformed Republican, says the same thing, and his lifetime goes back to Coolidge.

2 thoughts on “Bush’s Brain Stem Cell”

  1. Good for your grandmother, Joan! There’s something that’s just so false about the “God and Country” spouting of the Religious Right. There’s no humanity to it. It’s all based on living for the afterlife, and not for today (hmm… a sentiment shared with al-Qaida!). Yet those espousing that view seem to be living pretty darn well in the here-and-now. It’s all hypocrisy as far as the eye can see!

  2. Hi Doug! I love your posts, and this reminds me of my grandmother [1912-1998], who was always a Republican until she now believed and realized the Religious Right was full of hypocrites and the power of the party was going to the wealthy, big-business types. So at age 80 she switched her party affiliation. My aunt almost had a heart attack, but my mom and my family were happy. 🙂

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