Citizen Cane

Box of 40 Spangler Candy Canes

Click to enlargeBack just before Christmas, at this link I took the Spangler Candy Company of Bryan, OH to task for making their candy canes in Mexico. But now the intrepid investigator Dennis F. Rogers has turned up a startling piece of evidence. A box of Spangler candy canes made in the good ol’ U.S.A.! Click the thumbnail view to see the proof.

What’s different about this box is that the Mexico-sourced package had 12 full-size candy canes, and this one has 40 small ones. So what’s the deal here? Are only the larger candy canes made in Mexico? Was that batch outsourced, or are the small candy canes from an old batch, before production was moved out of the country? I don’t know, but for now the Spangler Candy Company has partially redeemed itself in my view.

2 thoughts on “Citizen Cane”

  1. Dennis says the generic candy canes he found at CVS were from China. So I guess I really shouldn’t complain about Spangler, even if they’ve moved some of their production to Mexico.

  2. The American canes are lead-free. Oh, wait! That would have meant the Mexican candy canes were outsourced from China.

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