3 thoughts on “FOX NEWS Further Infuriates”

  1. I watch Olbermann every so often, but I’m more likely to catch up with him from online videos. He’s a former sports announcer who still appears every so often on sports shows. And while I don’t necessarily hold that against him, most sports guys seem to fancy themselves humorists, but they all have exactly the same glib patter, and I have very little interest in them. But Olbermann is one of the relative few who has transformed into a pointed and effective political pundit. He gets angry, his humor is better than the that of the typical sports writer, and he uses both his anger and his humor effectively.

  2. I suggest Keith Olbermann as a good antidote to the rubbish that Rupert Murdoch and Fox spread over the place.

    Not only is he clever and erudite, he is also incredibly amusing with it.

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