
Busy, busy, busy, folks. Sorry!

But hey, how about the surge, huh? What a difference a day can make. Cheney drops in and says everything’s going super, then overnight Baghdad is a ghost town, with everyone hiding from the expected outbreak of renewed civil war.

7 thoughts on “UPsurge”

  1. The simplest answer to whether or Bush had anything to do with 9/11 is that he produced no WMDs in Iraq. Faking their discovery at the end of the war would’ve been far easier than planning the jet attacks. And don’t forget: you’re being sucked into the Bush whirlwind when you use their term “surge” rather than the more accurate one (which they feared using) called “escalation.” This is an administration terribly fond of euphemisms: abuse for torture, surge for escalation, insurgency for civil war, coalition for US forces + six Aussie skindivers.

  2. I met Bill Clinton in the flesh this evening, and shook his hand! The best line he gave tonight was, “Voting for McCain is like voting for Bush’s third term in office.” We all gave him a standing O for that. Wow, he really still projects such a presidential aura around him. Of course, I suppose Obama does to a lot of people, too.

    You know, I’ve been wondering if maybe they’ve had Osama for some time, and are going to spring him on us right before the conventions? Talk about timing.

  3. I absolutely do not think that as bad as Bush is, that he had anything to do with 9/11, other than get caught with his pants down (figuratively, unlike Bill Clinton’s literal case). Nor do I feel that Osama bin Laden was deliberately allowed to escape from Afghanistan in late 2002. I think people screwed up.

    If Pakistan truly does oust radical Islamics in its midst, will Bin Laden finally be flushed out? I have no idea, but if Bush manages to produce Osama alive before election day, McCain is probably assured of victory.

  4. I’ve been following the war with “BBC World News” and Pacifica’s “Democracy Now” and the more you hear, the more a civil war seems inevitable. With a change in Pakistan, do you think protection of Bin Laden and al-Qaeda will continue? I don’t think the U.S. will ever capture Bin Laden. It’s all such a bad situation.

  5. Last summer we were being told that the surge wasn’t in full swing yet, and everything would be better after July. It’s now apparent that what we were really waiting for was al-Sadr’s cease fire.

    If the surge really had any significant effect on the reduction in violence, then by now it shouldn’t be possible for conditions to change so rapidly back to anything like what they were.

    I’m totally ignoring anything Bush and Cheney say, because it’s all lies. Every bit of it. Right now the question is, will al-Maliki need to launch an all-out assault against the Shiite militias in Basra, and if so, can he sustain it?

  6. Hi! As a lifelong Democrat, I can’t believe this Idiot-In-Chief got put in office not once, but TWICE! He has ruined alliances-started an unnecessary war-killed 4,000 of our troops [and sadly many more will be while this dick-tater is in office]-killed many Iraqi citizens…sounds like the dictator that was hung! As Pearl Bailey would probably say:”Oh, honey, don’t get me started on that fool!”. Seriously, this presidency has been a nightmare from day one.

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