DELLiciously Mine

The estimated delivery date for my new DELL Inspiron 530 was two weeks, but here it is five days later, and I’m using it right now. The integrated video connector is, alas, merely VGA, but as I said before that’s all right with me, and eventually I’ll get a standalone video card with DVI.

And lest any doubters out there think XP Home doesn’t support a Quad-Core processor, this fragment of a screen shot is from Device Manager…

Intel Quad Core

… and this is from the performance tab of Task Manager.

Intel Quad Core

3 thoughts on “DELLiciously Mine”

  1. Doug, you’d be so proud of me! Along with the aid of one of those techno-geek sites, I actually defragged and cleaned up my computer all by myself. Videos play at lightning speed! Stuff downloads with nary a glitch or hiccup! I figure, by the time I’m Dad’s age, it won’t matter, because we’ll have nanochips in our bloodstreams instead of the internet! But for now, you still need to be somewhat computer savvy.

  2. Wow! It all makes sense to me now … sort of … Anyway, I was checking my CPU Usage (for real) this morning and I have far too much junk on it. I cleaned a lot of stuff off, and now my browser is working much better.

    Other than that, I have no idea what you’re talking about! 😉

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