Ian Smith’s Shiny Discs

Brian Sibley’s friend Ian Smith has started Shiny Discs, a video review of videos. Smith’s pleasant and relaxed un-US presentation is a relief to us Yanks, accustomed as we are to hyper hyperbole in our movie reviews. Smith does a brilliant job of extracting every detail out of a new DVD of an old Dr. Who that he calls middling. I’m therefore looking forward to his review of a Who installment that has him stone the crows surprised with delight. (I try to sound more British where and when I can!)

One thought on “Ian Smith’s Shiny Discs”

  1. Ian’s soothing dulcet tones lulled me to sleep (that, and the Vicodin I broke down and took. You’re not supposed to wait until the pain is unbearable, but I always do, and they don’t work as well, and then knock you out to boot). I find out when I go in and get knocked out on Monday.

    I’ll watch the second half of this great video today. He’s fantastic! He’s as blunt as Simon Cowell, but he’s so darned NICE about it! His review of “Alvin and the Chipmunks” was gift to its creators. Molly and I wouldn’t go near that travesty.

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