
As I feared would happen, the conversion of my site to iPower’s new management platform has made a mess of things. My oldest blog post is now my newest. AUGHH! If you click on the individual categories you should be all right. I’ll start the troubleshooting process….

UPDATE: Indeed, there’s been an update. A big one. WordPress is now the absolute newest version, which seems to have fixed the problem. It was no surprise this update was necessary, but I would like to say that the iPower support guys confirmed this for me, in a matter of minutes. So kudos and not brickbats to them.

The only casualties I’ve spotted so far are the “Contact” and “Gallery” pages on the navigation bar, and that seems to be a problem with the theme. I should be able to fix that with some minor code edits, or maybe I’ll finally try a new theme. Please let me know what quirks and blow-ups you come across. Hopefully no blow-ups!

UPDATE update: Well, what I just did seemed to have fixed the navigation bar problem. So if you were hoping I’d pick a new theme, you’ll just have to wait! 😉

2 thoughts on “Problem”

  1. I feel that computers require too much technical savvy on the part of their users. I assume the Macintosh is better in this regard, but I’ve never used one for more than a few minutes at a store. But thanks to the Internet, computers are so compelling they’re like cars — gotta have ’em.

  2. Over the past week or so, I’ve been toiiling away, trying to learn how to update my computer and make it run more efficiently. By some miracle, I’m actually getting the hang of it! The on-line tutorials help, and learning NOT to freak out when something doesn’t work also helps. After all, “It’s only a computer, only a computer, only a computer … ” What movie was that a sound bite for, “Last House on the Left?”

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