40th Anniversary of the NBC
Petula Clark Special “Petula”
with Harry Belafonte
Hey, that must mean Petula will be back in the area! Here’s hoping she does another show here.
D.F. Rogers caught the moment last night that my moment with Petula Clark was caught. Thanks, Dennis.
Even with her head down, Petula takes a lovely picture, and she displays her unmistakable flourish and sense of style even when signing an autograph. Pet has the Rap and Hip-Hop section behind her! Talk about contrasting styles.
“Still, as I say, its not a bad job to do if every night you send away a couple of thousand people, who are a lot happier than they were a few hours before.”We should all be so lucky!
Yes, charm and style, and the ability to look a million dollars even though she must be tired having travelled all day to get to the concert venue, and then sung all night… she still smiles and charms and makes thousands of people happy enough to go home walking on air….
That’s not a bad way to spend 65+ years of your life….
But I have to say Jeanie Beanie, that Petula does have a bit of a temper, and I wouldn’t like to cross her. I’ve seen her angry a couple of times now (about something professional), and it scares me. She is a perfectionist and she works with the best. You have to come up to her standards…
Still, as I say, its not a bad job to do if every night you send away a couple of thousand people, who are a lot happier than they were a few hours before.
Awesome woman.
I’ve made Dennis’ picture my new desktop! It’s great! Hope he doesn’t mind.
Well, actually, yes, Pet did put her arm around me briefly to get me to sit closer. Dave Moncur’s absolutely right, that Petula has a definite style and poise about her — not to mention her hair, as he comments elsewhere!
Earlier, the line snaked all the way through the store, around behind where she was sitting, and by the time Dennis and I got there it was along to the left of the room. When the place was packed, and Pet made her appearance, her back was to us. We all clapped and Pet turned around, giving us a wave a little bow. Just the way she did that had so much charm and appeal to it.
Davy Jones always hugged me when he saw me? And Pet … ???
Yeah, that’s an apt description. Hanging out with somebody one has known forever. Dave in Scotland told me ahead of time that’s how it would be, and he was right!
This photo leaves me breathless! In a way, this picture is even better than the close-up. You two are sitting together like old school chums! Do you know how rare that is during an autograph session? Of course, she IS sitting next to “The Amazing DogRat!” 😉 Usually the star is on one side of the table, and you’re on the other. Not so with our Pet. Why is it that I can’t picture her getting impatient or losing her temper? Sure, she swears, but I’m sure she does even that in an off-hand, sexy manner. My she has such sweet little hands.