4 thoughts on “Pulling for Ted”

  1. This morning the news is very grim. The Kennedy camp is not giving out details, but doctors are conjecturing that since no surgery is scheduled, he most likely has the absolute worst kind of tumor and will be dead within a year.

  2. Hi! At first when I read of the tumor, the only detail of diagnosis was malignant brain tumor and of treatment was they were going to use chemo & radiation, (which can shrink tumors to allow surgery). I guess I was hoping against hope that he was going to be able to have surgery. But all the news I’ve read since more details came out about type of tumor and location is heartbreaking. My sister is a former practicing R.N. and now a Senior Safety Scientist (liason w/F.D.A.) with Glaxo Smith Kline-oncology medicine, and she explained the details and problems of this kind of tumor. It’s a shame that we will lose this brilliant man to a terminal disease. He’s not young but he’s had more stamina than people half his age! Man, his family has been through so much.

  3. The diagnosis for Senator Ted is serious, and the prognosis is grim. This is what The Boston Globe is saying:

    Specialists in Boston and around the country said the information released indicated that Kennedy has terminal cancer and might have only a limited time to live.

    As written up elsewhere, I interviewed Ted Kennedy. D.F. Rogers reminded me today that he was visiting with me at the time and he was there! I’d forgotten that, but as soon as he mentioned it, the memory filled in. I had a press permit to get into the event, held at a country club, and he was stuck waiting for me outside in the lobby.

  4. When I read of Senator Kennedy’s seizures yesterday I worried what his diagnosis would be because my 65-year-old uncle recently died of metastatic brain cancer along with, and due to, late discovered prostate cancer-and seizures, (plus, of course my uncle’s reluctance apparently to report any urinary symptoms), led to his diagnosis. I wish the senator much luck in his treatment and hopefully the timing of diagnosis will lead to success!

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