Eric’s Anime Pick — Grave of the Fireflies

Eric says we’ve depleted his selections of superior Anime, but we’ll be looking through some other titles to see what might be worthy. This one is an oldie we watched before I started blogging. Grave of the Fireflies is from 1988, and it’s one of the most tragic and heart-wrenching movies I’ve ever seen. A teenage boy does everything he can to keep himself and his baby sister alive in Japan during World War II.

[flv:/Video/2008/JUN/GraveOfTheFireflies.flv 440 248]

One thought on “Eric’s Anime Pick — Grave of the Fireflies”

  1. YAY! Thanks! I can see how it will end tragically! DARN those Americans, those evil Yankee … Wait, that’s US! A big thumbs up from Molly.

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