A Summer Weekend

Sorry, I haven’t written in a bit. Been taking a break.

One of our neighbors had their big, annual cookout. The husband was Eric’s math teacher two years ago. He always rents one of those inflatable fun houses. Eric thinks the drawings on it are funny, and I agree.

Inflatable funhouse
Inflatable funhouseInflatable funhouse

Looks like a hardhat theme, but the black guy isn’t wearing one and he’s winking. Hmm. I think they should have gone for an all-out Village People motif. One of the faces looks sort of like a young Dubya Bush, and the other like Rock Hudson. Bizarre.

The air conditioner on Carol’s 2002 Honda CRV blew. Online there are many complaints about the same problem. We’re taking it to our trusted local independent garage, and depending on what they say we’ll call Honda of America. Loud noises and things sounding like they’re falling off indicate a defective part, and not normal wear-and-tear.

Let’s see, what else is going on? I mowed the lawn, I ran seven miles today, we went out to dinner tonight, and oh yes. I won an eBay auction recently, and I’ll be blogging about that item as soon as it comes in.

5 thoughts on “A Summer Weekend”

  1. I’ve fortunately seen that commercial only with the sound muted, but even that much is enough to leave my flesh crawling! Who gave that grotesque idea the green light?? Is it a generational thing? Do younger viewers think it’s cute? Yes, I agree with you, Joan. YUCK!

  2. Believe it or don’t-last night I saw a commercial even weirder than the Burger King one! Old Spice Body Wash has a new one where a Centaur (don’t use that word much—upper half man/bottom half horse) is taking a shower and in a best of both worlds thing he says he’s a man and his girl says “and a provider!”. EWW! Because Axe and other male body wash ads have been risque, I believe she’s referring to his larger bottom half, but still! I felt like I should take a shower after seeing that-YUCK!

  3. Just saw that Burger King ad last night. That is very weird! What would Freud say about that?!!

  4. There’s only one thing stranger and creepier than that inflatable air house: the new Burger King ad re: apple fries. If you’ve seen it, you know what I mean. Not only does it feature that uber-creepy frozen-faced Burger King dude, it comes right out at the end and features a mini-King kid who walks up to the King and kicks him after the mother says “Don’t you want to meet your father?” UGH! EWW! What the heck is that? Molly and I are STILL reeling. Just plain sick.

    Anyway, thanks for bidding on all those K3 items for me on E-bay, Dougie! and winning them all, too! Can you tell I’m being sarcastic? Seriously, congrats on the win. I’m looking forward to your post on the item. I assume you are now guilt-free on the subject?

  5. Hi Doug! You had a varied weekend to say the least! The guy in the bottom picture looks like Rock Hudson, but he also reminds me of Nixon with the large forehead and the eyes. Trying to figure out the psychology behind the designer’s picture choices gives you a headache! 🙂

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