Animal Lovers Love McCain?

This survey is pure silliness. If people insist they don’t vote based on a candidate having a dog or cat, then why bother with a survey like this? The candidates never get to spend much time at home, so even if the pet isn’t there just for show, they aren’t the ones taking care of it anyway. Obama isn’t about putting on a show. Whether or not he wears a flag lapel pin or has a dog is meaningless.

8 thoughts on “Animal Lovers Love McCain?”

  1. I keep my cell phone under my pillow since I’m a Sleep Apneac and an insomniac having a new sleep study done Aug. 7. That said, tonights waker-upper is from thinking about Barack Obama’s recent voting record and wondering what we’re in for. Just read in the blog Irregular Times where Obama’s campaign, and a big financial backer just can’t understand why Democrats are so upset. Turns out his big backer runs a telecom utility. Not only did Obama vote for this bill, he voted against a filibuster to knock some sense in his head. He’s recently voted for faith-based program funding, lifting the DC handgun ban, this bill, and now seems to be changing his tune on Iraq. He certainly isn’t who I voted for in the primary. His change motto is wearing mighty thin and he’s sounding like Bush 2. Any more of this and the Green Party sounds pretty good.

  2. Hi! One more comment, then I’ll shut my yap for a bit. I did a little animal survey of my own today and asked my cats, neighborhood cats, and the cats of a friend in Franklin, Tenn. their party preference and paws down they said “Independent!”. When asked who’d they’d vote for they all said, “Obama!”. When I asked my tuxedo “Tuxi” why, she said, “Easy, silly, then we’d all be Democats!”.

  3. Hi Doug! That may be true, but he’s liable to turn off alot of us left-leaners. He’s just given Bush and the GOP a victory in surveillance and he’s not even elected yet. I just hope he’s not becoming McCain-lite. And I hope Jesse Jackson isn’t partially right in that Barack has already lost his b___s. If so, all of Barack’s “HOPE” will be “PIPE DREAM” and “SAME OLD GOP B.S.”.

  4. Yeah, I’m likewise disappointed in Obama, especially now that he’s voted for the surveillance bill that he promised he wouldn’t. But there’s no point in getting cynical about it. He’s going to do whatever he needs to do to get elected, and going centrist seems to be what he’s decided to do. But he’s got to keep the lines between himself and McCain clear and distinct in the matters of the economy and Iraq.

  5. Jean, our comments were being moderated together and I called this survey “bull-bleep”, but so is the Obama’s getting a dog from a breeder. A Democrat should know better than that! Sounds like our candidate is pulling some Repub-type PR All-American Photo-op crap that I’m not happy about in the least. I’m sorry to hear about Gracie! There is so much of the illness and bad genetics going on with breeders, not to mention puppy and kitten mills. It’s disgusting and Obama really blew a chance to do the right thing and make a statement.

  6. Hi! Sounds like more Republican bull-bleep to me. If you talk to most people who do animal rescue, (dog & cat, plus small animal), they’re Democrats or Independents. Most animal legislation is started by elected members of the Democratic party and most local funding for TNR and Spay/Neuter is begun and continued by Democrats. The Bush administration has a lousy record on animal protection, just like their lousy record on everything else. My neighborhood has alot of Repubs and Christians but not a one helps the cats here even though they know there’s an overabundance and we’re (my sister and I) helping the cats. With them it’s the typical “oh, we know there’s a problem but other (Democrat, liberal) people can handle it”. Compassionate conservatism party, my ass! More like “me, me, me” party!

  7. But wait, Dougie! Haven’t you read all the hoopla about the public choosing the Obama family’s new puppy? It’s been all over CNN! Michelle is “allergic,” so they’ve narrowed it down to all non-dander breeds, and “America gets to choose!” What’s even worse, it will be a pure-bred with papers, and not a rescued shelter animal, which would sit a lot better with green, animal-loving voters like me.

    When Tom brought Gracie home, I was thrilled, and mad. Why did he spend nearly $300 on a yellow lab when he didn’t even know the breeder? Naturally, my fears were well-founded. She’s only five and already horribly crippled with hip displasia and will be lucky to survive another year or two. That’s my more than two cents, sorry!

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