Banana Fana Bo-Bam-a

This is so screwed up. A Hillary supporter, in Dearborn, Michigan who says she doesn’t trust Barack Obama because of his name:

“I feel John McCain is a true American and I want to support a true American,” she said.

But isn’t Obama a “true American?” she was asked.

“I don’t know,” she said after a measured pause. “I question it.”


“I don’t know — maybe because of his name?”

But gosh, what if she’s right? Obama rhymes with Osama, and Hussein is his middle name. That’s it! Barack is the missing Osama/Saddam link!

4 thoughts on “Banana Fana Bo-Bam-a”

  1. On the BBC World News they just had a story on about stupid people from Scranton in our state, Jean, who will not vote for Barack because of race. Nice to know not only are the idiots proud to say they’re bigots, but also on international TV! One idiot was holding a “Democrats for McCain” sign. And probably has a white hood and robe in their closet, a gun rack in their truck and a supply of wood out back to make crosses to burn!

  2. Hi! Couldn’t help but add I was just reading Yahoo News about that idiot poster boy for the GOP who killed and injured those people in that Tennessee church because he “hated liberals”. HMM? Let’s see…an unemployed truck driver…afraid of losing his food stamps…bought his gun at a pawn shop…looks like 8 years of Dubya really helped him! He wanted to “kill all liberals” because they “ruined the country…with their media”, (WHAT Liberal media-I can’t find any to listen to!). He sounds like he preaches the gospel of Rush, Michael Savage, Bill O’Reilly, et al., except the killing part. Although I wouldn’t want to be a liberal in their hunting party! Probably end up like Cheyney’s friend!

  3. It’s a rampant excuse here in Mayberry, RFD, but many people actually believe that Obama is a Muslim pretending to be Christian! I kid you not! I was over at Tom’s boss’s wife house the other day and even SHE believes this! All I could do was be polite and shake my head to myself in disbelief!

  4. SKRRRCH! SKRRRCH! SKRRRCH! That is the sound my ear hears as I scratch my head and think: Can someone really be that stupid? Not to mention prejudiced and bigoted. Part of our party has gone totally mad! Makes me wonder if she’d be doing this if he was born with both parents white, but with the same name. Our country is really full of stupid people!

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