Bose Sucks

I go past the Bose headquarters every day on my way to/from work, and a neighbor friend works at Bose. The Wave Music System is known for having more than its share of problems, but I bought one anyway, because it fit perfectly on the porch, and I could get it at a good price through our neighbor — not a factory renewed unit, but factory fresh.

Well, after only six weeks of light use, this is what happens when you try to play a CD. Eric demonstrates. Listen for a different neighbor’s cute, little attack doggies in the background.

[flv: 440 330]

At least the slot loader mechanism works, so the disc isn’t stuck in there. I should be able to get a new replacement Bose Wave without a hassle. This has been a bad summer for product defects.

3 thoughts on “Bose Sucks”

  1. What? Paul Harvey was lying all those years about the Bose? Tsk, tsk. No, tastewar, he was really dancing! 😉

    And about those dogs: well-trained dogs do not bark, bark, bark. A happy dog is occupied and does not bark unless it is bored, anxious or feels that something is invading its territory.

    I keep Gracie occupied most of the day, but during those times I have to leave her behind, she doesn’t bark non-stop like our previous dog, Sammy. Gracie clearly sees me as the “alpha female.” Our chow-chow puppy mill neighbors down the road have dogs who never leave their cages. I learned the screen out their non-stop barking and howling years ago. They also have an insane donkey who brays at 3 a.m.!

  2. I confess I had the sound muted. Video is a little shaky — were you dancing to the music, Doug?

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