FiOS Fumble

I seem to be having my first problem with FiOS Internet access. I’d better enter this quick, before the network light turns red again.

Follow-up: this turned out to be nothing.

3 thoughts on “FiOS Fumble”

  1. HUH? Sorry, Just haven’t heard some of those terms at all and others in ages. Isn’t it great how much has changed in really so little time?

  2. That depends on the Web hosting service, and not my Internet access service.

    Next February will be the 15th anniversary of the first time I got onto the Internet from home. I had a 40 MHz 386 PC with 4 MB of memory, and Windows 3.1 on MS-DOS 5.

    My ISP was TIAC — The Internet Access Company in Bedford, MA, over a 14.4 Kbps modem. Graphical browsing was done with Mosaic 0.9 on top of a SLIP connection provided by Trumpet Winsock.

    The dialup connection was too slow to do much graphical browsing, and there wasn’t much to see anyway besides the Star Trek site, so for the first year or more I mostly used an old DOS communications program called Procomm and signed onto a UNIX shell.

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