They ARE a girl group!

D.F. Rogers, in his “Denro the D.J.” persona, will introduce this K3 video, which he seems to feel is perhaps their most accessible to American listeners.

“Ladies and Gentlemen — Kah-Thrrree!” Wow! Hey, this is the missing link! This IS Girl Group Music! And they sing part of it in English — and very well! They even do a few Klangs! They do the Supremes thing — but again no “Diana’s” up front — they sing as a group and spread the solos parts equally. The interesting thing is that it seems to be the one K3 song that has comments [on YouTube] in English! The comments in English are divided between “What th…???” and “Awesome!” — mainly because parts are clearly in English and they have no idea what the heck the rest of that stuff is! It seems like it’s an American group – but it’s mind-bending! It has an English title, too. This a gateway to the real hard stuff! Pure Flemish! Een Klang Kusha!

[flv: 448 308]Note: This video clip required major surgery to fix the shape of the image, so you will see some re-compression artifacts.

Bonus K3 Video! This one is also partially in English, and required no special treatment other than being scaled up from 320×240. Shades of “Happy Days”! Rather than being just fun-loving, Karen, Kathleen and Kristel seem a bit boy crazy here, over a bunch of lunkheads, but we can deal. 😉
[flv: 448 336]

6 thoughts on “They ARE a girl group!”

  1. Cool! I may get those bead “curtains” after all these years! Have to get Extra Heavy Duty ones though because my cats will love to play with them! Thought of some other cool toys: Rock ’em Sock ’em Robots (recently back, as Doug posted), and that ride I think was called the Sit and Spin. It was round and you sat in the middle turning big wheels with the handles on the inside. It was to simulate a Tilt-A-Whirl, but it probably turned you till you puked, which is why Santa didn’t bring one to our house! Also liked the Lite Brite, Magic 8 Ball, Hot Wheels (had TONS with red-lined tires that are valued today!), and the ice hockey tabletop games. We had more to use our imagination with, that’s for sure!

  2. I got my sleazy blue Easy-Bake Oven for the great Pratt Christmas of 1965! Leslie also got “Help,” which she played all day. I remember just fingering all the food packets in the box in amazement before even daring to try them! Actually, as I recall, I was sitting in that winged chair sideways and playing with Marianne all day while the Beatles sang over and over and over … For some reason, “Hey! You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away” sticks out in my mind the most. Maybe Leslie was trying to play the end part on her flute.

    Oh, the cost of any Easy-Bake Oven back then? $15.95! Do the math! I think it’s pretty much the only gift I got.

    Joan, those bead “curtains” have been back in for ages. Molly got them for her door at LImited Two, but they kept tangling every time we walked in or out, so Tom put up catches for them.

  3. Ah, yes. Those great toys and fads of the 60’s and 70’s. My sister and I did get a Hula-Hoop, Etch-A-Sketch, Nerf Football, Operation game, Chrissy the doll with growing hair, and a Tyco racing set for various birthday and X-Mas gifts. And we got the blue classic Easy-Bake Oven. It’s now sold as a microwave-type oven! Like Jean though we wanted Go-Go boots to no avail! I always liked those plastic bead “curtains” that Julie Kavner had in her doorway on “Rhoda”. Yup, those were the days!

  4. I briefly wanted a G.I. Joe, but the idea of a “doll for boys” did seem a bit weird at the time. Of course, today they’re not dolls. They’re action figures!

    We had an Easy-Bake Oven. It made very good little cakes. Like my Kenner Super Show, it used a light bulb (the Give-a-Shows were flashlights). Whose Easy-Bake was it, if not yours?

  5. D.J. Rogers? A K-3 fan? Hmm. Somebody said you are also a closet Jimmy Webb fan (I’m shamelessly uncloseted on that score).

    Dougie, please post the cool pic you sent me of the girlz in their cool purple outfits and go-go boots so I can, YES, once again, lament to myself how Mom never bought me a pair. The only other item I begged her for was an Easy-Bake Oven. As she had two other daughters in that age range, I can see why she had to say “no.”

  6. Whew! Fortunately, no one seems to read these “K3” posts. I’ve been “outed” as a K3 fan (curse you Dograt!) However, since no one has commented, perhaps my shameful secret is still intact. We all can’t be as brave and forthcoming as Dograt. Now, back to the closet, time to do the “Hippie Shake” again…

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