Oh! Bomb! Ah!

I was going to fire up the HDTV projector to watch the Democratic convention finale, but instead I have it streaming over Yahoo. It all feels sort of forced and staged, and the announcers sound as though they’re at the Academy Awards. Let’s just get this done and move on to the contest.

Joe Biden at DNC

3 thoughts on “Oh! Bomb! Ah!”

  1. Hi! I’m glad to read your last paragraph, Paul! I’m trying not to be political because my IBS (no, not Infinite Bull S+*t!!! Although I have that too! :-)) is acting up due to getting too worked up over this stuff. I just want to see a change. When Arnold ran and won I thought there was talk of changing the Prez rules if you held domicile for a certain length of time. This is just becoming a farce like everything else in America! 😡

  2. jeaniebeanie,
    Actually, Obama’s place of birth is being decided in the courts right now according to a recent news article picked up on AOL News. It seems that he WAS born in Kenya but two different hospitals in Hawaii have records to indicate that his birth was registered at their hospital. I don’t know what this will mean if the courts decide he is not a USA citizen…he obviously would not be able to be our president…we’ll see soon.
    It was certainly “refreshing” to hear a politician claim that they are FOR education, FOR lower taxes, and FOR the environment. I’m so tired of the politicians who are AGAINST all of those things! It’s time for a change.

  3. Yes! Exactly! I swear to God, those announcers ARE the same ones that are used at the Academy Awards. Somebody else said that the producers of the venue have also done a lot of rock concerts for big names like … ugh … Britney Spears. I went to bed without watching it. What do you think about the rumors that Obama was really born in Kenya?

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