The Beatles Shout!

Back in ’81 a biography of The Beatles by Phillip Norman, called Shout!, was released. If I ever knew why it was given that title, I’ve long since forgotten.

“Shout!” is also the name of a song by the Isley Brothers that the Beatles performed once on the English TV show Ready, Steady, Go!. With all of the Beatles-related sites, and the many videos posted on YouTube, I’m surprised that I can’t find a good transfer of that appearance. So I’ll provide one here, taken from an 8-inch Laserdisc.

[flv: 448 336]

Another Beatles bit of information is that they had some of the first Philips-Norelco Compact Cassette decks in England. Fifteen years later, John Lennon was holding cassettes when he was shot.

3 thoughts on “The Beatles Shout!”

  1. Shout was used in Animal House, of course, sung by Otis Day and the Knights. Does anyone know if this was a real group, actors that sing, or actors lip synching to a recording? Just curious since I saw the film on a Encore Plex channel a couple nights ago but missed seeing about them in the credits. I know what you mean, Jean. In college at frat parties everyone had the Animal House soundtrack and played Shout and Louie Louie when everyone was feeling pretty good! Also wanted to ask about the group Klattu that was popular for sounding like the Beatles. They released an album and were played on the radio but seemed to disappear about as quick as they appeared. I liked them but diehard Beatles fans thought they were a sacrilege.

  2. Ah, the boyz at their peak. Molly had her friend Makaya sleeping over Saturday night. She’s a pip and we got talking about music. “I LOVE the Beatles!” she yelled. I started saying, and she quickly picked up and we continued in unison: “Paul’s the cute one, George is the quiet one, Ringo is the funny one, and John is the serious one.” Of course, she also likes the Jonas Brothers. Molly likes NEITHER group so she’s fuming.

    Their rendition of this classic R&B anthem is great, but nothing compares to the original. I have danced to this in a slightly less than sober state more than once in my heyday. Fun! Love Ringo with the stogie.

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