Calling 911

It’s been seven years since that awful day. We were having our kitchen remodeled, and on 9/11 the wall tile was being installed. When we got home we saw one of the new cabinet doors had been destroyed. Very weird. I don’t know what happened, but it caused a significant delay, because we had to wait for a replacement to be delivered from Canada. The tile contractor had to cover the extra cost, of course.
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The History Channel had a very dramatic special about the World Trade Center, made up of raw footage, and I’ve spliced together a few minutes from it.

George W. Bush promised he would bring Osama bin Laden to justice, but he didn’t. He failed utterly. Instead, Bush got Saddam Hussein, who had nothing whatsoever to do with the attack on America on 9/11/2001.

If McCain is elected in November there will be no investigation into what really happened to lead us to invade and occupy Iraq. We must find out with absolute certainty, and putting the Obama/Biden ticket in office is the only hope we have of doing that.

6 thoughts on “Calling 911”

  1. Hi Cactus Lizzie! I was wondering if she grabbed underwear and was getting anything like my panicked mind would’ve thought of:cell phone, keys, ID, glasses case and my small pocket purse. Ironically the underwear would’ve helped cover the face after the tower collapse(s), I put parenthesis in case she was far enough away after the first collapse. I thought while watching “102 Minutes…”, would I have left when the girls did if I lived near the towers, and if they did leave before the collapses, so much the better since I guess there was a pretty widespread evacuation and the dust from the towers would’ve been hell to breathe in.

  2. What was she grabbing out of her dresser? It looked like underwear to me. And NO, I’m not trying to be funny, here, with this: I’m telling you honestly, if it were ME watching this horrific scene unfold from a building not far away from the Twin Towers, I would no longer be wearing clean underwear.

  3. Molly was home sick yesterday (I had the same thing, a horrific stomach bug), so we watched the documentary then. Awesome!

    There was also a German documentary that only aired once, I forget where. A man described being led out through the lobby with other people. Firefighters and security guards were screaming at them “Don’t look to the left, don’t look to the left!” which was the courtyard between the two towers. Naturally, if somebody tells you not to do something, you can’t help yourself. The man turned his head just in time to see a pregnant woman fall and …. well, we, I won’t go there. I should also not that, to their credit, the French team also came upon a couple of women at the scene who had jumped and were still embracing once they landed on the ground. They decided not to film them, God Bless them. To EVERYBODY’s credit, NO photographs of people who jumped and landed on the ground have surfaced. I they did, they were certainly shot down quick.

    The latest poll shows that up to 27,000 people in NYC may still be suffering from PTSD after 9/11, and don’t forget all the workers at Ground Zero whose lungs are irreparably damaged. They get very little coverage, media or medical-wise.

  4. I saw that too. CBS had it. The French brothers who just happened to be doing a documentary about a particular NYC Fire Dept. station. Strictly routine, until the first impact was captured. And I also remember the sound of the bodies hitting. They had video but CBS wouldn’t show it. The sound was disturbing enough.

  5. Hi! I watched “102 Minutes…” on Thursday and seeing the footage and hearing the reactions from ordinary citizens brought it all back. The bodies falling footage took your breath again because you could hear amateur photographer comments and in one scene there is a fireman’s reaction as you hear a victim’s body make impact after falling. The most moving coverage I saw of 9/11 was that filmed by the 2 French brothers at the time making a documentary of firefighters in NYC at a station not far from the World Trade Center. At one point they were filming in the lobby at the command post in the tower and you could constantly hear bodies making impact on the walkway roof long before the building collapses. VERY haunting.

  6. I taped this but haven’t had a chance to watch it yet. Raw stuff. The image of falling bodies has long since lost its power to shock me, sadly. I wonder what the girl grabbed out of her dresser? What would you grab for if you thought it was the end of the world? And why was that guy smiling through his fingers? I’m really looking forward to watching this because it is mostly made up of previously unwatched amateur videos, one of which I just watched in full on YouTube three days ago. What I liked about the one I saw on YouTube, called “What Bob and Brie Saw on 9/11″ is that they had a baby or small child in the background,” and were doing their utmost to remain calm and mature while filming the events. The beginning is really eerie. With the window shut, you can see the events unfold in silence while in the background, a record plays, “Knick, knack paddy-whack, give a dog a bone … ” I hope they put more of that on here than them just shutting the window.

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