Juno, Alaska

Well, that’s one blog post title that wrote itself. So how’s Obama’s judgment looking now, compared to McCain’s?

The Palin baby has Down Syndrome, making it more likely the daughter isn’t pregnant with her second child, but I suppose that’s still a possibility. If Palin resigns it will be because of Republican pressure. I would expect the hard-core GOP base to feel that, given the circumstances in the Palin household, Sarah should quit working and take care of her family.

7 thoughts on “Juno, Alaska”

  1. Remember, you can’t admonish the Palin daughter alone. Asexual reproduction isn’t possible in humans. The boyfriend is just as much responsible in this-she isn’t the only one to decide on abstinence or birth control!

  2. Palin is governor, so there must be many photographs of her throughout the pregnancy. She’s over 40, and statistically that’s the age for Down to be most likely.

  3. There’s still one problem. No one has to yet to come forward with a photo of Sarah Palin pregnant with Trig!

  4. How many girls haven’t gotten pregnant because the message of the abstinence program was what kept them from being sexually active? There’s no way to know. But I would be willing to bet that condoms have prevented vastly more teen pregnancies and diseases than pleas for abstinence ever have or ever will. For those teens who don’t heed the message of abstinence, there must be access to condoms.

  5. Doug,
    Yes…here’s an example of a young girl who did not heed the true message of the abstinence program. I could give you THOUSANDS of examples of failures to heed the more popular myth/message of “safe-sex.” (safer sex is really what it should be called) Even though most teens will not be able to resist having sex, abstinence is the ONLY way to completely prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. She’s a young human being and prone to make errors in judgement. It’s her “failure”…not necessarily a failure of the program.

  6. Molly’s immediate comment about Palin’s daughter was: “What kind of example is this for kids my age?” I mean, Palin is supposedly into “abstinence.” Worked real well for her daughter. Still, who am I to judge? It is odd that all reports point to the fact that Sarah Palin barely looked pregnant right up to the time she delivered Trig. Her husband’s old DWI is really not worth mentioning, as he was just a kid (22).

    The bottom line is: nobody’s perfect, and George W. Bush’s past is far worse by comparison. Doug, maybe you should post something about Obama again for people like me who aren’t sure. It would really help. I feel bad about not voting.

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