“She’s a monster”

I had to laugh when I heard from an older friend that his 70-year-old lady friend, a retired nurse, said of Sarah Palin, “She’s a monster.” I haven’t seen Palin’s entire interview with Charlie Gibson, but I’ve seen enough to know we should be very scared of her. Listen to her dissemble, trying to back out of her assertion that our being in Iraq is a “task from God.” She was thinking like Lincoln?? Oh, puh-leez!
[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2008/SEP/PalinGibson.flv 440 330]

3 thoughts on ““She’s a monster””

  1. From across here that woman looks scary, very,very scary.

    Of course it’s not really for me to comment on your choice of President, but, on the basis that all our prime ministers do exactly what American Presidents tell them, and jump to it, to have her a heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States, fills me with utter dread.

    I really, really hope, for all our sakes, that Mr Obama wins.

  2. I am and have been all along going to vote for Barack but thought I’d keep an open mind about Palin and her character, but she’s living up to that GOP triumvirate of hypocrisy, hysteria and fearmongering, and misplaced religious fervor. Not to mention crap spreading. Geez, what a load of garbage!

  3. Let me say it here first. Tom and I have finally made our decision. WE ARE VOTING FOR OBAMA/BIDEN. Yes, it’s true. For a long time, I was yodeling that “Obama gave me the creeps; he has a hidden agenda, etc.,” but now McCain and especially Palin have superceded my fears of Obama and we DO like Biden! So Barry, you have our vote on November 4, which, by the way, is also our oldest sister Leslie’s birthday!

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