
Mr. D.F. Rogers of Massachusetts writes, has a funny main page right now — a picture of the QE2 in Boston Harbor — mirrored by an Iceberg/Titanic editorial cartoon just to the left! screen grab

Bravo, Denro, for resisting the undoubtedly overwhelming urge to use the word “juxtapose”!

One thought on “Side-by-Side”

  1. Great catch, denro! The metaphors are endless! “Train derails in South Station … commuters warned” as does the economy, and perhaps their jobs …

    Tom said that they are now BANNING short selling? Won’t this drive prices sky high? Should I start looking for a job at Wal-Mart? Will the government start slashing disability and unemployment benefits? We were counting on that in case Tom loses his job, especially for the medical insurance, as Tom and I both have chronic medical concerns.

    Also on the news this morning: REAL runs on banks, right out of “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Dougie, a request: run that famous scene for us! I think it’s appropriate right now. It used to be funny, poignant and uplifting, but not anymore!

    Ellen Corby: “Can I have $17.50?”

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