The Jerry and Bill Show

Seinfeld has gone full-blown sitcom in his second Microsoft commercial with Bill Gates. Is this working, or have these guys worn out their welcome with the public as well as their “host family”?

[flv: 440 247]

Follow-up, 18Sept: Microsoft has announced they’re pulling the ads.

One thought on “The Jerry and Bill Show”

  1. I guess you could call these “mildly amusing,” but this “average” famiy is not average around here. They’d be upper middle-class. I haven’t seen these ads at all. When do they play? They could have compacted that ad down to one minute and it would have played much better.

    I cannot get over how bad Bill Gates looks. Christ! He won’t even turn 53 until October 28 (he’s younger than Doug and I!) and he looks 63! By comparison, year-older Seinfeld looks great.

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