The war for the White House

This came in a second ago…

From: “CNN Breaking News”
Subject: CNN Breaking News

— Lawmakers from both parties in House, Senate say they have bailout deal; will take it to Treasury Secretary Paulson.

The battle is on! John McCain and Barack Obama debate face-to-face
for the first time. Watch the debate live tomorrow night on CNN

OK, so the debate is on again. They should switch the topic to the economy and save international politics for next time.

6 thoughts on “The war for the White House”

  1. From the: They Are Up To Their (Same Old) Dirty Tricks In PA Dept.: Jean, I thought I’d seen everything in our state, but did you see where a lady from York County was told to vote she had to roll up her Obama t-shirt so the print didn’t show because the damned desperate and dirty GOP wants to enforce a dress code at the voting places—read: No Obama clothing that may sway voters___ MEANING: HOW DARE YOU WEAR A BLACK MAN’S POLITICAL CLOTHING?!! Makes me embarassed to say I live in PA and am white! I mean Hell-THERE ARE SIGNS OUTSIDE THE CHURCH WHERE I VOTE ALWAYS FOR BOTH PARTY CANDIDATES and ALWAYS PEOPLE HANDING OUT SAMPLE STRAIGHT TICKET BALLOTS FOR BOTH PARTIES! I mean, W.T.F.? and B.F.D.! As if you don’t know who you’re voting for when yot get to the site! I’ve had it up to here already! GOP, to your hateful, racist, hypocritical, lying, cheating members, from the candidates, advisors, party officials, GOP-run (most) media and those involved in stealing the past 2 elections: “F**K YOU!”.

  2. From the:They Are Up To Their (Same Old) Dirty Tricks Again Dept.: On Sept. 19th, Michigan Dem. Rep. John Conyers stated a list of foreclosed homeowners was purchased by a repub to be used for voter suppression. Apparently later the repub felt the heat and he and his plan crawled back under the woodwork and McCain with tail between legs has said “bye-bye” to Michigan. And in Wisconsin, especially Madison, absentee ballots from the McCain/Palin camp were arriving in the mailboxes of people who would likely vote for Barack, only if said ballots were not returned, which these would not be, said recipient would be UNABLE TO VOTE! OH, GOP-if you are GOD’S OWN PARTY-what would he say to you? WWJD?

  3. Thanx Cactus Lizzie! I know I said no more ranting, and I shouldn’t do it because thinking about this political stuff only starts my IBS off and running. The antibiotic doesn’t help that I’m on. It’s doing the usual reflux thing they like to do and even ice cream caused a big chest burn, so I need to call Doc and get something else or drink Mylanta by the quart! Anyway, I’ll be so glad when Nov. 5th is here! That’s my mom’s birthday and she said having Barack Obama win is a good birthday gift! So, GOP, no hanging chads, extra hole punches, malfunctioning machines, poll thugery, denied recounts, or anything else used in the two previous elections you stole this decade! The result of which has led to war, divisiveness, recession, depression, A HUGE DEFICIT FROM GOP SPENDING, AND THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER-anyone who denies that has been mentally not in tune with what has happened in 8 years. Ahh! I think of McCain and the GOP when I feel good and flatulent! “B-L-A-T-T!” to Bush and company!

  4. Hey, Joan! GOOD rant!!! Love it! Especially your idea for a Repub flag! Too funny!!!

    And D., I like your analogy to the car salesmen. If you want a healthy and strong democracy, then you can’t run a country which is “of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich.” Can’t the American flag-waving, patriotic Republicans see that? That the seeds of Communism germinate in a climate where the gulf between the powerful wealthy and the exploited poor gradually becomes more and more intolerable? I don’t want to be a Communist! But I also don’t want to be lied to and ripped off by Wall Street, and the government cronies of The Street who have looked the other way far too long.

  5. Debate? BIG F’N DEAL! McCain is in, then he’s out. A bipartisan compromise is on for the bailout, then House Repubs play politics and it’s off. If the Repubs don’t want oversight, want to protect their banking buddies and screw over the American public more, let them get the hell out of Washington and start their own damn government. They aren’t going to cooperate so let them have their own part of the country. Let the country be officially divided! I never plan to trust, listen to, believe, vote for, and especially live near a repub. Let them run and ruin their own part of the DSA-Divided States of America! Let them take the stars off the flag and put dollar signs and nooses on it. I’m just totally fed up and can’t wait till Election Day is over! P.S. What the f**k was Palin saying to Katie Couric about the bailout and what drugs is she on?

  6. Not so fast, Debate Watchers. “Deal or No Deal”? Hmm, “No Deal” may mean a return to the “New Deal” days of the Thirties, if we can believe the experts. In some ways, the high pressure tactics to get a deal done “NOW” remind me of car dealers or replacement window vendors. Sign now, last chance, don’t bother reading the fine print, don’t think about the cost. Maybe they need to go back and talk to the sales manager, to see if he’ll come up with a better deal. Maybe they’ll add on new floor mats.

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