VP to be to a “Tee”

You’ve probably already seen this — has anybody talked about anything else today? — but I wouldn’t want you to miss this photo of Sarah Palin, taken in her college days at the University of Idaho.

Sarah Palin in college

“Click to enlarge” has an extra special meaning in this instance. 😉

5 thoughts on “VP to be to a “Tee””

  1. Wasn’t Thomas Eagleton running with George McGovern in ’72. Just another reason depression patients feel such a stigma, even though depression is a true disease caused by a chemical imbalance. As someone who has suffered from depression for over 30 years, it makes you clearly see the nonsense in life and the fools who perpetrate it. And there is much and many!

  2. Remember Eagleton? They trotted out his stay in a mental ward, I believe, and he had to drop out of the VP race. Now, if I can only remember who he was running WITH lol.

  3. Talk about a blast from your past! She reminds me of my college days-big hair, t-shirts, sweats and shorts, and lots of fun! I hated high school, but loved college! As for any GOP resignation calls-what about forgiveness, piety and pity, and basically being human? Like it says-Let those without sin cast the first stone! And in the entire GOP I’ll bet you won’t find many qualified stone casters! Let Sarah Alone! PS: What does her T-shirt say? My phone net can’t magnify images.

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