Accidental Shooting?

Click here, read the story, and watch the videos. Do you think what happened to that boy was purely accidental? Unintentional? Yes. Careless? It was beyond careless. In my opinion it was negligent. What was his father — a medical doctor who runs a trauma center! — thinking? Why are so many gun lovers so appallingly, incredibly stupid?? Which makes them, by the way, extremely dangerous.

One thought on “Accidental Shooting?”

  1. Here in Redneck, USA, I live with neighbors who ALL OWN LOADED weapons they either keep in their bedrooms at night or even wear concealed on their bodies. No exceptions, because I know them all, and they’ve told me! Tom has hunting rifles, but they are locked away, unloaded, and the bullets are locked in a safe, and only he knows the combination.

    The most appalling thing I ever witnessed was a father cleaning his handgun right in front of his three-year-old daughter. He let her pick it up (it was unloaded) and play with it for a second. His mother was not happy about it, but then, she wears a concealed weapon (she has a license for it, but so what?) We were there to look at the new puppies, but I took Molly home then and there.

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